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Meet the team


Notabilis Energy is a company dedicated to  training personnel in the oil industry.

Its activity is oriented to the organization of seminars, open courses, courses "in company" for: directors, managers, professionals, technical and administrative personnel on the different specialties of the industry, committing to the formation of suitable work teams within the Business.

One of the demands for greater growth in the oil and gas sector is the challenge proposed by the development of hydrocarbons oriented to the activities of the up-stream and downstream of the oil chain.

Counting with specialists of recognized national and international prestige.

Among the objectives, is to provide participants with basic and advanced knowledge about the international trade of oil and petroleum products, the location of supply and demand markets as well as the operational logistics of storage and transport.

In its 10 years of experience, Notabilis Energy has trained more than 4,500 professionals throughout the Americas and has dictated more than 47,000 hours in its seminars.

María Luján Crespo

Lawyer, Specialized in Oil and Gas Law, with a Master's Degree in Industrial Business Administration from the School of Industrial Organization of Madrid (Spain) and Universidad Católica Argentina.


She spent much of his business career until December 1998, at YPF S.A., where she held various management positions, eg. in the legal area (Chief of Petroleum Contracts), in the Vice Presidency of Finance, where she was in charge of the Business Development Management from 1992 to 1996, and finally she worked in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) establishing the company in that country , being also responsible for the implementation of the Downstream Agreement with Petrobras. Among her main contributions to this company are: active participation in the privatization of YPF S.E., from the preparation of the legal framework for its implementation to the participation in tenders of central areas; She was project leader of the Trans-Andean Oil Pipeline; negotiator for YPF of the Trasandino Gas Pipeline and exploration and production agreements with ENAP and PEMEX, as well as several agreements with multiple international oil companies (Chevron, Pedevesa, BP, Repsol, etc.); led a multidisciplinary team for the feasibility analysis of several projects such as Mega, Profertil, Novena Distribuidora and was in charge of controlling the non-controlling interests of YPF in these and other companies; initiated the expansion of the commercialization of fuels under its own flag in Chile, Peru and Brazil, and completed the acquisition of co-control in a refinery in Rio de Janeiro; She collaborated with various Brazilian industrial associations in the analysis of the insertion of natural gas as a substitute fuel, as well as in advising the Energy Commission of the Honorable Congreso de la Rca. Federative Federation of Brazil and the National Petroleum Agency.
She participated in negotiations related to Energy Integration with Chile and Brazil.

Nicolás Verini

Engineer, with specialization in the Enrico Mattei Institute of the ENI and in the French Institute of Petroleum in Petroleum Economy and Foreign Trade and Refining.

He was Foreign Trade Manager in YPF, currently REPSOL. Technical auditor of refineries and plants for the Secretary of Energy and advisor in control of royalties for OFEPHI. Technical Consultant - Commercial in the company Total Austral. Director of the Gas and Petroleum Institute of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Buenos Aires from 1999 to 2006.

Member of the Organizing and Technical Committee of the Petroleum Institute.
Permanent member of the Energy Commission of the Argentine Industrial Union.
Member of the MERCOSUR Commission of the Chamber of the Petroleum Industry and of the FOSPEN-Forum of the Private Energy Sector of MERCOSUR.
It integrates the Organizing Committee of the Gas and Electricity Congresses and the Technical Evaluation Committee of the papers presented to the Congress.
Member of the CECTAF, Center of Scientists and Technicians Argentino-French, of ACTIM, Agence pour la Cooperation Technique Argentino-French.
He has made more than 40 national and international publications. Obtaining two prizes and mentions.
He has attended more than 20 international congresses and more than 30 national ones.
1970 - Participated in a Catalyst design team for the Oil Industry in the Research Laboratory of the SNAM PROGETTI of the ENI of Italy.
1970-Worked in plant engineering in the production lines of the Gas Madrid Company -Madrid, Spain.
1976-1980 President of the company PAIVER QUIMICA SA. Vice President of Uniquem SA Responsible for the formulation and commercialization of catalysts and chemical products.
1979-1990 Worked at YPF SE. He was Manager of International Trade and Oil Operations, Deputy Manager of International Trade, Head of the department of petroleum and fuel operations, Coordinator of GASODUCTO NEUBA in export projects, Member of the Argentina Brazil Energy Commission. Analyst in Oil Economics and Foreign Trade.
1991-1994 Worked in OFEPHI-Organization of the Hydrocarbon Producing Provinces on issues related to the Production, Royalties and Commercialization of Oil and Gas.
1995 AUDIT TECHNICAL S.A. Technical Control of Refineries, Storage Plants and Service Stations with Secretary of Energy.
Since 1995 he worked in the French company TOTAL AUSTRAL SA in the Oil and Gas Sector, as a commercial technical consultant. He took care of the studies and evaluation of New Projects on oil and gas and marketing of products in the domestic and international market
Transfer of Custody, Control of Waste and Detection of Losses, most relevant works:
Performed the TECHNICAL AUDIT of Control of refineries, plants, storage and service stations, made for the Secretariat of Energy, 1995.
For three years, he advised OFEPHI on oil deregulation, hydrocarbon royalties and royalty control. (1991-1994).
During his tenure at YPF, as Chief of Operations Oil and Fuels, Coordinator of the NEUBA Pipeline in export projects.
Manager of International Trade in Petroleum and Products.

Fernando Puerta Pérez

He is an Engineer, Bachelor of Applied Mathematics, Master of Operations Research and Master in Neuro Linguistic Programming,

Diploma in Organizational Coaching, and Generic Management Competencies at Newfield Consulting.


He has extensive experience since 1981 in the areas of Project Management, Strategic Planning, Quality and Productivity and Integral Safety, in medium and large companies. Qualified for a position as Project Manager and / or Total Quality Planning Manager, General Manager or Director in National or Foreign Companies. He has extensive experience as a facilitator in group dynamics, has a Master in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). He is a certified coach by Newfield Consulting. In these areas, he has worked as an agent that drives changes in the organizations to which he has belonged. In the last 5 years he has held different management positions in the area of ​​Integral Security

PDVSA, Executive Directorate of Integral Security

Position: International Business Corporate Manager
January 2017- Present

PDVSA, Prevention and control of Losses

Position: Senior Advisor
June 2010 - January 2017
Responsible for the design and implementation of the security prevention plans of the corporation, including carrying out risk analysis studies of facilities and processes, the implementation of training and information campaigns related to security and the analysis of strategic information through the Strategic Information Unit. In addition, it advises the regions, subsidiaries, and businesses in matters of prevention and safety.


Position: Manager of Corporate Planning
August 2009 - November 2010
Responsible for the issuance of policies, guidelines and guidelines to companies that
they make up the subsidiary of PDVSA América (Bolivia, Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, and PDV Caribe). Consolidate the information on management and financial results to be delivered to the Board of Directors of PDVSA América for analysis and decision making.

Electricity of Caracas (EDC), Functional Management of Prevention and Control of Losses

Position: Vice President of Security
June 2007- June 2009
Founder of the Management of PCP in the EDC, responsible for implementing the security model of the company, understanding this model as the interaction of: people, technology, processes and organization for the production of security products that lead to guarantee security , seen this as continuity of operations, in all aspects, where this continuity could be affected. This responsibility implies the monitoring of the security budget of the entire organization, as well as its execution.

PDVSA, Prevention and control of Losses

Position: Senior Advisor / Project Manager
April 2004 - June 2007
Responsible for advice on strategic planning, organizational, and matters related to the overall security of the organization, in addition to managing the security projects of the Management, such as asset protection of the corporation, monitoring and monitoring center, control of losses and losses and the creation of the electronic brain of the company.

PDVSA, Project Engineering Management (contracted)

Position: Project Planning and Control Manager
December 2003-March 2004
Responsible for the detailed planning of engineering and construction of the major projects of the eastern division, also the development of the Strategic Plan of the projects to be executed by the Project Engineering Management., Is in charge of the departments Planning and control, budget , contract administration and human resources.

Engineering Research and Development Center (CIDI)

Position: Associate Research Professor.
January 1999- December 2003
As Research Professor of CIDI, its main function is the Planning and execution of consulting and advisory projects in the areas of Project Management, Quality, Marketing, Competitiveness and Strategic Planning. It also has the function of: implementation of Quality and Productivity Plans and Strategic Planning in public and private companies, such as: Electricidad de Caracas, Cantv. He is responsible for the physical and budgetary planning of the Center; as well as the promotion of services to corporate clients, preparation of economic proposals and projects. He is also responsible for the development and growth of research lines in the area of ​​Project Management, both for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Postgraduate Management UCAB (Educational organization, non-profit)

Position: Director of the Postgraduate in Project Management.
March 1995- December 1998.
As Postgraduate Director, the main function was Postgraduate Planning, in Caracas as well as in the interior of the republic (Guayana, PDVSA agreement, in Maracaibo, Paraguaná, Puerto La Cruz and in Maturín). Coordination of the thesis of the students before the University Council, coordination of special events, such as conferences, conferences, etc., relationship with the main companies that execute projects as main activity, such as: consulting, oil, manufacturing, electrical companies and others related to the execution of investment projects. Coordinate all Continuing Education activities, and consulting / advising of the UCAB.

Fernando Puerta Consultor Gerencial (Consulting firm in Quality and Productivity)

Position: Director of the Project Management Area.
October 1993- 1995
As Director of the Project Management area, his functions are: Development of Project Planning and Control methodologies, development and implementation of Operating Models and design of the appropriate Organizational Structure. Also part of its functions, the implementation of Strategic Plans of Projects and training in the areas mentioned. He is responsible for creating and maintaining relationships with his own clients, as well as the administrative aspect of the area. Its main clients are: Corporación Backus & Jonhston (Peru), CANTV, Electricidad de Caracas, Helvesa, Cementos Caribe and Sidor. Instructor certified by INCE and PDVSA CIED respectively, last year
dictated in CIED from 29/9 to 1/10 of 2003, PROJECT MANAGEMENT, Integral Vision

Rodin Quality and Productivity, C.A. Subsidiary of the Rodin Group (Consulting Company in Project Management, Productivity and Organizational Development)

Position: Executive Vice President
January 1992-August 1993.
As Executive Vice President one of his main tasks was the structuring of the company and the Rodin Group. Among his responsibilities was the development of work methodologies, applied to the area of ​​Project Control, Quality and Productivity and Organizational Development. He managed all the strategic planning of the company and was the principal director of all its operations. He also developed the external consulting area of ​​the company, advising important organizations such as Imparques, Lagoven and Seguros La Seguridad.

Organization of Management Services- O.S.G. Filial Grupo Marshall (Consulting Company specialized in Business Management, Financing and implementation of Quality Plans)

Position: Quality and Productivity Manager.
June 1991-December 1991
His main responsibility was the direction of the area of ​​Quality and Productivity of the company, besides designing proposals of work according to the requirements of the clients of the organization, updating the existing methodologies and maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction, always under a Project Management approach. Among the main clients I work with are: Ministry of Transport and Communications, IPASME and Covein.

Grupo de Empresas Maploca (Maploca is the main distributor of Acero in Venezuela.)

Position: Manager of Corporate Planning.
April 1989-May 1991
In this organization he served at a corporate level. One of its main responsibilities was the Development of a Strategic Planning Model for the companies in the group. This model included the implementation of an Organizational Structure, with descriptions of positions, organizational charts, functions, implementation of a Budget System and the implementation of a Continuous Improvement Plan in the companies of the Maploca Group.

Corpoven Subsidiary of PDVSA (oil company subsidiary of Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A.)

Project Engineering Management (Management responsible for executing major projects of the organization.)
Position: Project Planning and Control Engineer
June 1982-April 1989
He was responsible for the Development and implementation of Standards and Procedures in Planning and control, for the Major Projects executed by the Management. He carried out special studies in areas such as: simulation of Project Strategies, Risk Analysis applied to projects (Apure and Nurgas Project), and other statistical applications. It was the focal point, within the area of ​​Engineering, of the Quality and Productivity Plan carried out in the company.

Corporate Planning Management (Management in charge of the consolidation of the Marketing, Refining and Production Plans, as well as its monitoring and control.)

Position: Operations Research Analyst.
October 1981-June 1982
He was in charge of the Analysis and implementation of Mathematical Models in the solutions of problems in Production, Refinery and Exploration, among others. For this purpose, he used, mainly, techniques of Regression Analysis, Design of Experiments, Canonical Analysis, Linear and Non-Linear Programming.


University of Miami, 1981, B. S. Electrical Engineering.
University of Miami, 1980, M.S. Management Sciences.
University of Miami, 1979, B. S. Applied Mathematics.
IESA, Diploma in Strategic Planning 1988
IESA, Diploma in Management for Engineers 1988
Higher Institute of PNL, Practitioner and Master in PNL 2000-2002
Universidad de Belgrano Diploma in Corporate Security, Latin American Security Forum 2008
Newfield Consulting Diploma in Organizational Coaching, (Certificate) 2012
Newfield Consulting Diploma in Generic Management Competencies (CDG), Argentina 2011

Lenín Davíd Rodriguez Aguilera

Lawyer and Bachelor in Geography, with Post-Graduate in Law and International Politics, with a great knowledge in the processes such as Exploration and Production, Refining, Trade and Supply and Gas.





· Lawyer (2006). Santa María University (Venezuela). Law School.

International Law and Politics Specialist. (1993)

University of Central de Venezuela. Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences.

· Navy Lieutenant (1989-1991) Navy of Venezuela.

Bachelor in Geography. (1988) Central University of Venezuela.

Faculty of Humanities and Education. School of Geography

Domain written in Spanish and English.


University of Central de Venezuela. Since 2004-Current

School of Geography Professor of Matter: Petroleum Geopolitics.

Teacher with the International Training Company, Notabilis Energy, specialized in the area of ​​Hydrocarbons.

Columnist on the website, www.matrizenergé

Columnist on the website,

Columnist the arbitration area on the website,, with the section, "Speak the Referee".


Marketing and Sales Marketing Manager of ALBA Petróleos El Salvador, subsidiary of PDVSA, aimed at structuring the strategy for the management of the liquid and lubricant fuels market of the ALBA-branded service stations in El Salvador.

Manager of International Trade and Supply Affairs of PDVSA, Guiding and participating in the implementation of the Energy Agreements, complying with the PDVSA guidelines.

General Manager of Planning and Accountability of Commerce and Supply of PDVSA, oriented to define the policies and strategies of the Business Plan of the commercialization of crude and products.

President of the Integral Committee of Commercialization, Supply and Logistics of the Executive Direction of Trade and Supply, for the fulfillment of the processes of purchases / sales of hydrocarbons and chartering of ships.

Others within Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA).

Andrés Sabatini​

Lawyer specializing in the Oil & Gas industry, particularly in the Upstream sector, both from the regulatory aspect - regulatory and administrative, as well as in the development of projects, new businesses and strategic partnerships with both the private sector and the public sector.




"Master in Business Administration (MBA)" from the University Torcuato Di Tella
"MBA Exchange Program" at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Kenan Flagler Business School. Approved courses: Global Context of Business, Sustainable Operations and Corporate & Financial Accountability.
Program on "Legal aspects of corporate finance & business management (Legal Aspects of Corporate Finance & Corporate Governance)" delivered at the CEDEF Law & Finance Institute.
"Core Course on International Oil & Gas Law" issued by the Association for International Petroleum Negotiators (AIPN) and the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, in Istanbul, Turkey.
Continuing Education Program ("Continuing Law Education") taught at the CEDEF Law & Finance Institute.
Specialization Program "Business & Contracts" delivered at the CEDEF Law & Finance Institute.
Postgraduate "Update in Oil and Gas Law" issued at the University of Buenos Aires. Average: 10 (ten)
Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Career: Advocacy. Title: Lawyer Average: 8,13 - Year 2006: Diploma to the recognition of better averages 2006: (9,16 points)
Specializations: Civil Liability - Environmental Law


2013-Actuality. Joint Venture & New Venture Supervisor in Apache Energía Argentina S.R.L. - Apache Corporation. Department of Institutional Relations Tasks: Representative of the company in front of partners - Administration of relations with partners and conflict resolution - management follow-up - relations with governments - negotiation and development of new business.
2008 - 2013: Senior Counsel at Apache Energía Argentina S.R.L. - Apache Corporation. Department of Legal Tasks carried out: Transfer of rights on Exploration / Exploitation Areas and Transport Concessions - administrative management for the registration, updating and maintenance of all the registers for the Companies - Automotive procedures, Migrations, RENAR - Negotiation and preparation of contracts: Review and preparation of contracts (Gas, LPG and Crude purchase, transport-Swap, Deposit, Insurance and / or other Guarantees for operations) - Service contracts (Rigs, Seismic, transport, waste, MSAs, etc.), locations and purchases several - Agreements with surface for oil easements. Legislative and legal support for the negotiation of oil easements - Corporate Matters: Mergers & Acquisitions, corporate administration, IGJ - Government: Administration, response and control over claims or requests from government entities - Presentation of requirements, response of claims, attention to queries of administrative entities of the National, Provincial or Municipal Government - Administrative Resources, petitions, presentations, etc. - Response to Legal Services - Answering of complaints and Letters Documents - Labor Advice - Management of collection of credits - Legal support for business development: negotiation and preparation of contracts for the development of new business: LOI, MOU, confidentiality agreements, exclusivity, Participation Agreements, Joint Ventures, Farm-in, etc. Legal structuring of complex businesses. Participation and negotiation of Bidding Rounds. Conformation and administration of bidding consortium (JBAs) Environmental Advice: Environmental legal advice. Determination of the applicable legislation. Interpretation and definition of scope of the regulation. Updating of the Legal Environmental Matrix to comply with ISO certification. Reception and evacuation of environmental consultations - Searches and investigations: Searches of forerunners, regulations and Due Diligence - Updating Regulations on hydrocarbons and other legal topics: Search of legislation and national, provincial and / or municipal jurisprudence. Individualization of applicable legislation. Daily update of legislation. Normative analysis. Drafting of opinions and legal and jurisprudential analyzes.
2007-2008. Law Firm Rattagan, Macchiavelo, Arocena & Peña Rovirosa. Tasks performed: procurement in the different jurisdictions and administrative entities and preparation of judicial - administrative writings, review and translation of contracts, various procedures before state agencies (AFIP, IGJ, SEN and DNA), legislative and jurisprudential support in mining and corporate matters , preparation of presentations and investigation of issues related to Energy and Mining.
2003 - 2007. Mediation Study Sabatini & Asociados: Tasks carried out: public and private mediations, conflict resolution.

Verónica Tito

Lawyer, with specialization in the areas of Corporate Counseling, Business Contracts, Bankruptcy and Bankruptcy, Environmental Law and Energy Law.




From 2007 to November 2010 she also worked as Legal Advisor of the National Directorate of Exploration, Production and Transportation of Hydrocarbons of the Sub-secretariat of Fuels under the National Secretariat of Energy, in the Areas of Environment, Easements and Transportation of Liquid Hydrocarbons.

As of 2011, she assumed the position of Provincial Director of Legal Affairs of the Secretariat of Energy and Hydrocarbons of the Province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands.

Since 2008, she is an ENARSA external consultant (ENERGÍA ARGENTINA SA). Elaboration of matrices of environmental legal compliance; and of permits and authorizations. Monitoring of environmental procedures before regulatory bodies. Normative Framework EIA. Internal audits. Advice on Energy and Environmental Law.

She is a Partner of the Consultant AKRIBOS ENERGY CONSULTING. Consultancy in the development of energy projects.

She is the Drafter of the Environmental Protection Regulation Project for Offshore Hydrocarbon Operations.

Co-editor of the Project of Regulations related to the safety in the operations of Liquefied Natural Gas and Environmental Protection Standards.

Alternate Secretary and Representative before OFEPHI (Federal Organization of Hydrocarbon Producing States

Ordinary Member of the Law Institute of Ecology, Environment and Natural and Energy Resources of the Public Bar Association of the Federal Capital.

Guest member of the Legal Affairs Committee of the Argentine Institute of Oil and Gas (IAPG)

Former Member of the Working Group on Climate Change, of the Strategic Advisory Commission of the Energy Secretariat.

Former Member of the Committee appointed by the Energy Secretariat for the preparation of the Report on the State of the Environment (Law 25,675)

Former Member of the Commission for Strategic Environmental Planning of the Secretariat of Energy.

He has also participated in work committees with members of the Secretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development, on topics such as Climate Change, Environmental Insurance, Minimum Budget Bill on Environmental Impact Assessment, Draft Regulatory Decree of the Law of Public Environmental Information, etc.


University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Law - Lawyer with specialization in Private Law and Economic Business Law. Professional Registration Volume 51 Folio 899 CPACF - Year: 1987 - 1992

University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Law - Procurator (National Registration) - Year: 1987 - 1991

Universidad Argentina de la Empresa - Degree in Public Relations - Year: 1987 - 1990


University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Law: Postgraduate in Preparation of Legal Standards.

Start Year: 2016

University of Lanús - Atomic Energy Commission - Master in Energy Management

Thesis under development "Normative Framework necessary for environmental protection in the development of non-conventional hydrocarbon activities in Argentina." - Year: 2012 - 2014

Universidad Católica Argentina - Postgraduate in Environmental Law

Thesis "State of the Environmental Regulation in matters of hydrocarbon activities Costa Afuera in Argentina." - Year: 2008 - 2009

University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Law - Update Program in Oil and Gas Law

Thesis: "Exploration and Production of Offshore Hydrocarbons in the Argentine Republic." - Year 2007

He has participated profusely in national and international congresses, seminars and workshops on various branches of law and in recent years with a specific focus on issues related to Energy and the Environment.

Research Grant: "Non-conventional gases in the supply of natural gas in Argentina"; National University of Lanús. 2013

María Cecilia Botto

Bachelor in Psychology, Professional Holistic Coach (PCC); certified in different tools that facilitate the measurement of talent.



He works as a consultant in career development and re-employment programs. Design and facilitate workshops applying their skills as a coach. It carries out processes of personal and professional transformation with executives. He has experience in the evaluation of human capital in different types of profiles in order to detect potentials, development opportunities and training needs. He stands out for his interpersonal skills, his professionalism and his global vision of the person and the company. It is oriented to the continuous development of its competences within a professional and dynamic framework. Able to lead and execute projects oriented to results.

Area of ​​Expertise:

Executive Coaching

Design and coordination of workshops oriented to the development and training of human capital

Application of diagnostic tools for talent measurement.


Lic. In Psychology, USAL, 1998, Argentina.

Specialist in the psychodiagnosis of Rorschach. Argentine Association of Rorschach (2002, Argentina)

Other certifications:

Holistic Coach in Coaching for Wellness - PCC Level (ICF)

Master's degree in NLP at Instituto PNL Buenos Aires

Certified coach at Escuela Argentina de PNL y Coaching (ICF).

Specialist in the Pfister Test, Asociación Argentina de Rorschach (2013, Argentina)

360 ° Certification of Emotional Intelligence, Genos, (2011, Argentina).

Levels of Experience:



Middle controls

High potentials

Key contributors

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